Discover the Best Version of Yourself!

Success in Synergy: Find Clarity, Confidence, and Commitment in Every Step

Are you feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or unsure of your next steps in life? You’re not alone.

Many of us struggle with procrastination, lack of direction, and isolation. But what if you could overcome these obstacles with the support of a passionate community and structured guidance?

Welcome to Creation Circles! Here, you’ll find the motivation, clarity, and encouragement you need to achieve your goals and transform your life.

Why Join a Creation Circle?

Focused Goal Achievement

Say goodbye to aimlessness and hello to clear, actionable goals. Creation Circles helps you set and achieve personal and professional milestones with structured support.

Belonging Within a Group of Like-Minded People

Join an exclusive group of ten participants who are on the same journey as you. Share experiences, gain insights, and feel the camaraderie of a supportive community.

A Safe Place to Be Heard and Seen

Feel understood and valued in a space where your struggles are acknowledged, and your victories are celebrated.

Sense of Accomplishment and Success

Experience the joy of meeting your goals and seeing tangible progress in your personal and professional life.

Confidently Execute Tasks

Overcome procrastination and self-doubt with consistent accountability and encouragement from your group.

Creating Trusting Connections

Develop deep, trusting relationships that help you grow personally and professionally.

How Does Creation Circle Work?

Monthly Meetings:

Meet in person once a month for a 3-4 hour session to discuss progress, tackle obstacles, and set new commitments.

Consistency is key—meetings are scheduled on a regular basis, for example, the first Tuesday of the month from 6:30 – 10:00 pm at rotating member homes.

Structured Agenda:

Each meeting follows a set agenda, led by a Creation Circle Leader, ensuring productive and focused discussions.

Community Support:

Engage with your peers outside of formal meetings, whether socially or through group projects. The style and focus of the group may vary, from individual goal achievement to learning new skills or contributing to philanthropic causes.

Flexible and Responsive:

While structured, the group is flexible to adapt to your needs, ensuring effective results for all members.

Success Stories

“Joining Creation Circle has been a life-changing experience. I no longer feel stuck and isolated. The support and accountability from my group have helped me achieve goals I never thought possible.” - Emma

“With Creation Circle, I’ve found a sense of purpose and direction. The consistent support from like-minded individuals keeps me motivated and on track.” - John

“The structured meetings and community support have made a huge difference in my personal growth. I’ve built strong relationships and gained clarity on my goals.” - Sarah

Join Our Vibrant Community

Don’t face your challenges alone. Join Creation Circle today and start your journey towards personal growth and success. Connect with a community that understands your struggles and celebrates your achievements.


What is the time commitment?

Monthly meetings 3-4 hours, as well as group connection as much as desired. Typically the group choose a method for communication in between meetings to seek and give support, check ins and Connection.

How many are in the group?

8-12 Participants per group.

Do we have a Workbook to follow along with?

Yes, all Creation Circle Members have a 80 manual to follow along with in goal direction, monthly pillars and group connection.

How do I know which Creation Circle Leader to choose?

We will help with that. You can schedule a call with Crystal Kaufman who can support with direction.

Personal Development doesn't work for me, How is this different?

Our philosophy of personal growth thrives on the core principle of experiential learning—the kind of learning that demands active involvement, much like diving into the water to learn how to swim. At Creation Circle, we firmly reject the notion of passively sitting at a seminar, scribbling notes, and hoping to master a skill.

Just as you wouldn't sit at the edge of a pool and expect to become a proficient swimmer, you can't navigate the complex currents of life from the comfort of a seminar seat. Success in life, akin to excelling in a sport, mandates practice, participation, and unwavering commitment to the game.

When we engage in real-time exercises and discussions within our community meetings, we are actively creating a strong foundation for growth and development. Our community serves as a supportive space to not only learn new strategies but also practice them until they become second nature.

Through this continuous process of learning, practicing, and applying, our members experience true transformation and success in their personal and professional lives. The bond formed within our Creation Circle community creates a ripple effect that extends beyond our meetings and into the daily lives of our members.

Join us at Creators Code and become a part of our ever-expanding community of learners, innovators, and achievers. Let's continue to create ripples that will shape the world with positivity and success. Keep pushing forward and let your journey begin!

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